On this platform we offer to place various advertising banners.
We have prepared a simple list below so you can choose the best way to advertise on our platform.
All banners will be associated with the provided addresses for each mode.
Ours offer:
1) Single mode. One banner in a pop-up window, displayed to each user once a day.

Size in pixels: 500x750px
Single banner: Price 240 PLN for a period of one year
2) Duo mode. Two banners in the search section. The horizontal ad is displayed in rotation mode, and the vertical ad is displayed randomly.

Size in pixels: 950x232px
Single banner: Price 50 PLN for a period of one year

Size in pixels: 158x600px
Single banner: Price 30 PLN for a period of one year
Set of banners: Price 60 PLN for a period of one year
3) Trio mode. One banner located in home page, and two banners in ads details page. All displayed in rotation mode.

Size in pixels: 300x200px
Single banner: Price 30 PLN for a period of one year

Size in pixels: 950x232px
Single banner: Price 50 PLN for a period of one year

Size in pixels: 160x580px
Single banner: Price 30 PLN for a period of one year
Set of banners: Price 100 PLN for a period of one year
4) Wings mode. One or two identical or different banners of the selected size on all subpages on the sides of the page. Displayed in rotating or exclusive mode.

Size in pixels: 200x200px up to 200x600px
Single banner: Price 30 PLN up to 90 PLN for a period of one year

Size in pixels: 200x200px up to 200x600px
Single banner: Price 30 PLN up to 90 PLN for a period of one year
Set of banners: Price 60 PLN up to 180 PLN for a period of one year
5) Mixed mode. Free configuration of the modes listed above: Single, Duo, Trio and Wings.
Set of banners: Price 90 PLN up to 500 PLN for a period of one year